What Is TAC in Weed?
Learn what TAC is in weed, the difference between TAC and THC on cannabis product labels, and other meanings of TAC in cannabis.
Hybrid Weed & Its Effects
Learn what hybrid weed does, how indica and sativa-dominant hybrids differ, plus how a weed plant's composition and the entourage effect influence the experience.
THC Crystals: Cannabis User Guide to Crystalline THC
Uncover the power of THC crystals, a highly potent form of THC that’s ideal for dabbing, vaping, and consuming in edibles.
Weed Shelf Life - How Long Cannabis Flower Stays Good
Discover how long weed stays good and find out how to extend the shelf life of cannabis flower with correct storage techniques.
Marijuana Toxicity in Dogs: Prevention and Symptoms
Learn about the dangers of marijuana toxicity in dogs and find out what you need to do if accidental cannabis ingestion occurs.
What Is Hemp Flower? Hemp 101
Learn what hemp flower is, its legal status in the U.S., its uses and potential benefits, and recommended products to try.
Marijuana and Surgery: What You Need to Know
Learn how marijuana interacts with anesthesia and why it’s essential to communicate clearly with your doctor and surgeon about cannabis use.
Smoking Cannabis and Acid Reflux - Things to Know
Find out if smoking weed causes acid reflux, the cannabinoid that might help with reflux episodes, and which cannabis products are best for acid reflux.
Cannabis and Acne - Does It Help or Worsen Skin Issues?
Find out if weed helps with acne, what acne is, what causes it, and how marijuana in different forms (including smoking) can affect the skin.
Can Cannabis Help Your Digestive Issues?
Learn how cannabis could help with digestive issues, GI disorders and symptoms that cannabis might affect, and tips for digestive health.